Sunday, January 20, 2019

For My Son

My son, Kenny, called yesterday.  We had a nice conversation but he was concerned that we were getting a snowstorm.  Then he said, "Send me pictures; don't get to see snow that often."  So here they are, happy Kentucky people who "don't get to see snow that often."

 The bunnies have been playing in the front yard and along the sidewalk.

 A few of the branches down in the backyard.  Wish someone would pick them up for us.

And there is the honking big building that is going up behind us.


Jono said...

I have at least 2 feet of snow in the front yard. If he REALLY wants to see snow send him north! It'll be here until spring so there is no rush.

vanilla said...

Jono, yours is beautiful country and I have enjoyed it in June, but I don't do cold well, so this time of year, no thanks.

Lin said...

My brother moved to southern KY after spending his entire life in Chicago. He says that they freak out down there when there is just a dusting of snow--and nobody can drive in the stuff. I guess there are some perks to being used to the white stuff.

I will come pick up the sticks come Spring. Can you wait that long? And we'll have a bonfire complete with smores. How does that sound??

vanilla said...

Lin, pickup stix and 'smores: delightful!

Lin said...

Remind me...okay? You will see the sticks and remember. Me? I will forget, no doubt.

vanilla said...

Lin, even if I get these removed, there seems to be an unending supply of them, so. . .