Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Remembering Elvis

Copied directly from post on STSTT ten years ago today.  Thus today would be the 84th anniversary of Mr. Presley's birth.

Love Me Tender

January 8, 1935

The birth date of Elvis Aron Presley, of course. There is nothing I can say in tribute to his contribution that his fans don't already know better than I; and there is nothing I can say to persuade the naysayers of the error of their ways. So we would wish the King a happy 74th birthday had he not departed this life so prematurely.


Lin said...

Elvis is a bit before my time, but thanks to our good friend, John, we have been given the opportunity to really learn about him. We went to see a show on his life recently and it was incredible. Amazing talent!

vanilla said...

Lin, my contemporary. I'm 84, he was born 84 years ago; I had a fraternal twin brother, he had a fraternal twin brother. Things in common? He could sing, I wish I could sing!

Lin said...

Could your brother sing?? Maybe you were Elvis' brother's contemporary. ;)

vanilla said...

Lin, unless he sings with the angels. . .
My twin died in infancy, as did Elvis's.