Monday, September 30, 2019


We seem to have an infestation of crickets in our house this fall.  At any rate, I have removed three or four a week.  For centuries it has been believed in many cultures that a cricket in the house is good luck and to remove it or to kill it is bad luck in the extreme.  I am not so superstitious, but unlike BBBH who has been known to skoosh them, I grab and toss out the door.

Thus to study this phenomenon in greater detail I went to google and opened images.  What should I get?  Insects, of  course.  What, in fact, did I get?  Pictures of men garbed in serious protective gear and holding a strange fat bat.  Say what?  Not one image of a cricket.  What has the world come to?

Image result for crickets in house


Some people believe that an unusual manifestation of crickets in the house portends a hard winter.
Personally I think any winter would be hard for such a tiny creature.  I know that is the case for me.

It is claimed that one can determine the air temperature by counting the number of chirps emitted by a cricket in 14 seconds.  To this number add 40 to get the temperature F.  That is c + 40 = degrees F.

For you in Canada, and in a huge portion of the world if you need your reading C,
count the number of chirps in 25 seconds, divide by 3 and add 4.  That is c/3 + 4 = degrees C.

Get your stopwatch and have at it.  I say as I hear the cheery chirrup of a critter challenging me to oust him from the premises.


Vee said...

Even more annoying than those who predict the weather on TV (and probably about as accurate).

Secondary Roads said...

Grasshoppers aplenty and nary a cricket in sight around here.

vanilla said...

vee, :D

Chuck, haven't seen a grasshopper in these parts in I don't know when.

Lin said...

I noticed a plethora of crickets in our yard this year. It's great--the frogs LOVE them! And I love their joyful song as I close my eyes each night. I will miss them this winter.