Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Go ahead-- guess where we spent this beautiful Tuesday.



Lin said...

Well, that certainly does not look like a fun day. Maybe you can do something fun today to make up for it. I am thinking of you and praying.

Vee said...

Oh, no. Prayers.

Secondary Roads said...

Praying--even now as I type this comment.

vanilla said...

Lin, we have had more fun. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers.

Vee, we move on a day at a time. Appreciate the prayers.

Chuck, thank you for praying. (Still thinking about our conversation a while back. Wish we could get together for a session like that often.)

Secondary Roads said...

I too greatly desire that possibility. I'll have to explore the possibility of arranging an Indiana meet.

vanilla said...

Chuck, *like*