Monday, August 6, 2018

Mobile Pix

Sharkey mentioned that it is difficult to post pictures from a mobile device.  I took that as a challenge of course so here's a picture of my four children with four of their cousins Circa 1968.


Lin said...

Look at you mastering the technology!! Good work!

Ilene said...

Love this! I remember those kids! Where did they go? Here there and yonder, but forever in my heart. 💕

vanilla said...

Ilene, and forever in mine as well. The youngest of the bunch is now well past 50. My how time flies.

vanilla said...

Lin, thanks, but don't expect me to get too deeply immersed in technology.

Vee said...

I'm impressed with your level of technology skill. Mine is still at the "help me" stage.

Love all of the special little people in that picture - well the all grown up people now.

vanilla said...

Vee, don't be impressed. Probably takes me hours to figure out something that the grandchildren of any of the kids pictured here could do in five minutes.

RamblinMan said...

Well past 50? I'm not even 51 yet haha!

vanilla said...

Ramblin, yep; well past 50! (Good to hear from you.)