Friday, August 10, 2018

Mid America Show 44, Page 2

I arrived at the venue about 10:45 Thursday morning, Thursday advertised to be the opening day of the show.  But I arrived a bit early, for many of the featured items were not yet in place.  In fact, I spotted two semi transporters loaded with the old iron waiting to be unloaded.

 The Ford 9000 hauler was interesting in its own right;
it is more than 25 years old!

 Two trucks full of old tractors.
 Unfamiliar marque.*

 I don't know Empire, either.  *click*

 I do know Avery because I have a friend in Minnesota
who has been searching for a certain model Avery.

 I was not surprised that Porsche made tractors, but I was
surprised that someone imported them.

 Fageol: now that is an artistic wheel. *click*

 Long.  Really?  *click*

 Love Tractor.  Okay, there are those who "love" tractors.

 Silver King.  There were two of them, one behind the other on the truck.

 Custom, which begs the question, custom what?  *click*

Another fun summer day in the Midwest!

*A bit of digging on the Internet suggests that Farmaster is a defunct U.S. company who imported Chinese-made Jinma tractors and sold them under the name Farmaster.


Grace said...

Still loving them...

Secondary Roads said...

What a wonderful show you attended. Your post too. Took me a long time to read this post and follow the links to read the story of the various tractors. I found the Love [tructor] story of particular interest.

vanilla said...

Grace, I am happy that you enjoy this sort of thing!

Chuck, there were so many brands I had never heard of that I had to go "looking." Isn't the 'net wonderful?

Secondary Roads said...

The 'net is great! I remember when we had encyclopedias to research matters of interest. Much easier today and more diverse, which is always a good thing. So much info available today that was never found in the encyclopedia. Oh brave new world.

Vee said...

A Porsche tractor. Now that's a way to one-up the other farmers. At least I'm guessing that's what happens.

One of the ladies in my Bible Study group just bought her new Hubby a Porsche for his birthday and I'm pretty sure he is envied.

vanilla said...

Vee, no doubt your acquaintance's hubs is envied. Not so sure the farmer is though.

Sharkbytes said...

Cool- am going to share the link with a friend who restores tractors

vanilla said...

Sharkey, thanks!