Monday, March 25, 2019

Feeling Grouchy

"How does that make you feel?"

How many times have you heard that recently? And in what contexts?

Rant alert.

The question might be appropriate in certain settings, as in therapist to patient.  I can't think of another right off hand.  I am hearing the question all too frequently in too many situations where the answer to the question is neither useful nor desirable.  For example, the tv news "reporter" in the field asks the next door neighbor, "What did you see?"  (Fair enough.)  Neighbor replies, "I din't actually see nothin', but I heard the gunshots."  "How many did you hear?"  (Also fair.)  "Three, no four, yeah, I think it  was four."  "Had you heard that the man died?  "How does that make you feel?"
What has that to do with the facts of the case?  Who cares?  Shut up, already.



Lin said...

You are not alone in this. Can we please just go back to reporting real facts and skip the analysis and "feelings?" It's maddening.

Grace said...

I don't watch the news so this hasn't come up for me, at least not that I'm aware since I am usually messing around in the kitchen when G watches the news, okay those ridiculous drug company ads seem to penetrate my consciousness, that said - I am very grumpy today, I'm retired, I shouldn't be having a "MONDAY" day.

vanilla said...

Lin, back to real reporting of the facts? A pipe dream. Unfortunately.

Grace, it's retirement. Every day is a weekend day. Even when I am grouchy I am blessed so much beyond whatever pressed my buttons that I shouldn't complain at all.

Jim Grey said...

I gave up on TV news several years ago because of this.

How does that make me feel? A lot less frustrated. Win!

vanilla said...

Jim, I believe you have made the far better choice.

Secondary Roads said...

I remember when news reporting began to go beyond delivering facts and started the march toward touchy-feely. Opinions and editorials were presented as if they were facts. For that reason, I've avoided broadcast news for several years.

vanilla said...

Chuck, you and Jim. Better to be uninformed than to be misinformed?

Secondary Roads said...

For my part, I remain informed. I just use other media, which does not include video. No, not radio news--it's no better than TV.

vanilla said...

Chuck, to continue the discussion, question: What are these reliable sources? Newspapers, magazines, neighborhood grapevine? ;-)