Wednesday, January 3, 2018

River of Life -Chapter 3

The snow on the heights continued to amass, piling deeper and deeper as the winter wore on.  The snow on the plain continued as well and the villagers actually enjoyed shoveling, digging out the livestock and such like because the life-giving water was paramount in their thinking.  They rejoiced and held prayer meetings of thanksgiving.

The children were beside themselves with joy, for any under eleven or twelve years of age could not remember experiencing such wonders!  Suffice it to say that the inhabitants along the banks of the Knockknock were ecstatic.

And Spring came.

The snows melted; the soil drank in the moisture of life; the farmers began preparations for the planting; happiness reigned.  Grasses greened, bushes budded.  Then schneeschmelze in the mountains began to fill the streams.  Soon enough Elv Knockknock was again a great river; the canal filled and even below the dorp Elv Knickknack produced a mighty flow.

Addy escaped the habitat of the huge catfish, swam upstream searching, searching for a companion who might be fanning a nest in the shallows behind a swirl or in the backwater, for she needed to deposit her roe.  Life must go on.

Chapter 1         Chapter 2
Note: When one reads this tale aloud to the children remember the "k" is not silent.  Each should be pronounced.  "K- nute,"  "K-nock k-nock," and so on.


Sharkbytes said...

You are a funny guy, and I think some of your stories should be published. So there.

vanilla said...

Sharkey, oh, I think so too but I have been following the frenetic efforts of one JHY prepping a book for publication. I'm not up to it. ☺

Jono said...

Life giving water. Sometimes I feel like the villagers and really don't mind the shoveling of snow.

vanilla said...

Jono, precious water; certainly as necessary as earth or air. I don't do well with a snow shovel anymore-- too easily winded and too old to be risking it. Yet I found myself in the sidewalk with shovel in hand just the other day. Wish me well, or pray for me, whichever meets your standard.

Vee said...

You could move to a condo community where snow removal is promised, but, when measuring, the snow removal people always manage to find the amount a bit short of requiring them to pursue removal. Then you could have a double heart thing going by removing the snow and being stressed that someone was paid to do the same but didn't.
