Friday, December 1, 2017

The Universe and Tinker Toys

Last evening there came together a set of circumstances which resulted in an awesome* experience for vanilla and BBBH.  Circumstances?  a) I had heard during the day that the International Space Station might be viewed at 6:17 p. m.,  b) I just happened to look at the clock at 6:17, and c) it was a perfectly cloudless and dark evening, moon and stars shining brightly.

I ran outside and looked slightly west of north and behold! I spotted the satellite at eleven o'clock as I faced north.  I ran into the house excitedly calling for the Better Half to join me in the yard, which she did.  We watched as the object, brightly reflecting the sunlight which no longer lighted our spot on earth, silently progressed to the northeast and eventually faded from sight.

I stood in awe of the ingenuity of mankind; then I took my eyes from the spot where the ISS disappeared from view and looked around the night sky.  I thought as my .eyes attempted to penetrate the depths of the star-studded skies, "God makes worlds, man makes tinker toys."

*I have come to dislike the word because of its incessant and flippant use, too often applied to something which is in no way awesome.  It has lost its meaning.  But in this instance, I can think of no other word which fits as well, assuming we take it at its true worth.


Jim Grey said...

Only sort of related: this reminds me of when Rose-Hulman was recruiting me to become a student there. Their big brochure featured a photo of a complicated Tinkertoy model and was titled: "Rose-Hulman: A school for men who take their Tinkertoys seriously."

I hear that 10 years or so ago, Tinkertoys were replaced with Legos in their recruiting material. Time marches on.

vanilla said...

Jim, so I should change the title to "The Universe and Legos"? I have all my life heard that poor people have poor ways, so I suppose it makes sense to think old people have old ways.

Secondary Roads said...

I watched the ISS sail by on Wednesday evening. Thursday, I was engrossed with watching a documentary series on Israelis who survived some amazing circumstances during their wars of the last 70 years.

Sharkbytes said...

I have watched it a couple of times. I think the Tinkertoys comparison fits better. You could probably build a real ISS with Legos if you coated the outside with something. Tinkertoys compared to the universe is a better analogy. Just my 2 cents.

Secondary Roads said...

What our friend, Sharkbytes, said is true. I know I watched the Lego Movie Star Wars send up. We ate at a restaurant ONCE where the waitress wouldn't settle for anything less than "awesome" for our reaction to our meal. Strange . . .

vanilla said...

Sharkey, I am not a Lego guy, tho' I know those who are. I will take your word for it, and stick to my Tinker Toys. "Stick": get it?

Chuck, why, oh why? have the young (mis)appropriated the word? Most of them have no concept of "awe," not being acquainted with anything truly awesome.

Vee said...

Nice experience. It pays to stay up with what is going on in the world.

Lin said...

That must have been something to see in the night sky!

"Awesome" and "amazing" are waayyyy overused today. I think now, they are used in sarcasm instead of wonder and amazement. There is a song in "Hamilton" where the King of England uses it as such. He states it flatly "Awesome. Wow." with no inflection or excitement. It is my standard snarky response now, of course.

Do today's kids even know about TinkerToys?? I will have to ask my kids, but I don't think they do.

vanilla said...

Vee, pays-- not necessarily in cash, but it is fun to know stuff.

Lin, I despair of a generation who will never know what "awe" is. I could write an explication of that statement but it would require a pamphlet at the least.

I doubt seriously anyone under a certain age would know what Tinker Toys are. Just a bundle of stupid sticks, they might think.