Friday, November 10, 2017

Hopping to the Hoppers

Yesterday afternoon as I was computering I had a music channel on in the background.  The Hoppers came on, singing "Shoutin' Time in Heaven."  I enjoy Southern Gospel and had heard recordings of the Hoppers but had never seen them in concert.  "I wonder," thought I, "if they are going to be anywhere in our bailiwick anytime soon?"  So I googled them, found their website and checked their tour schedule.

What?  They will be in Tippecanoe, Indiana at 7:00 p.m. November 9, 2017.  Wait!  This is November 9, it is already 3:30 and BBBH is "out and about" which is to say I'd no idea when she would be home.  She came in about 4:15 with a carload of groceries.  As I was transferring the sacks from the car to the kitchen I casually asked, "Would you like to go hear the Hoppers tonight?"  Her response was "Who are the Hoppers and where are they playing?"

"The Hoppers are a Southern Gospel group that I enjoy a lot.  I know that is not your favorite genre, but I like it.  They are singing in Tippecanoe tonight."

"How far away is this Tippecanoe?"

I told her about seventy-five miles straight up 31, take about an hour and a half.

She glanced at the clock, then she said, "You'd have to drive home 75 miles after."  She handed me a can of beans.  "Here, add these to the chili left over from yesterday and heat it."

I did as I was bid still not having a "yes" or a "no."

As we were eating the chili I told her we would have to leave by 5:20.

"Okay.  Anytime you get out of your chair and want to do something. . . "

Thus we pulled the car out of the garage at 5:15 and by 6:50 we had found seats in a very crowded auditorium.  The drive was smooth notwithstanding that 31 is an extremely busy corridor and this at rush hour to boot.

The group started in the mid-fifties as "The Hopper Brothers and Connie."  Today the group is composed of Claude and Connie Hopper, two of their sons, a daughter-in-law, and a granddaughter.  Connie and Claude have some mileage on them, take that however you like.  They put on a wonderful two-hour show!  If you check their schedule on their website you will see that the lifestyle is beyond crazy.  For example, this week Tippecanoe, Indiana November 9, Grove City, Ohio November 10, Houston, Texas November 12, Georgia on the 16th, back to Ohio on the 17th, West Virginia on the 19th.  And they do this by bus. [Gasp]

We were safely home by 10:25 and I was ensconced in my chair with cuppa coffee by 10:30.  Life's good.


Grace said...

Well look at you, all spontaneous! Nice to do something like that...glad it was all you thought it would be. (Around here there is one person for whom spontaneity must be carefully planned - and it's not me!)

vanilla said...

Grace, we have reached that stage in life where spontaneity is more likely to produce action than is planning. Planning requires so much effort. And thought. 😊

Lin said...

Oh, FUN! I'm glad you two were flexible to just pick up and go like that--75 miles is not a quick jaunt. Good for you! Glad you went and had a nice evening.

vanilla said...

Lin, it was great: no planning, no second-thought and we enjoyed actually talking with each other on the ride to and from.

Sharkbytes said...

I LOVE spontaneous. I like Southern Gospel (the Rebels visited our church every year when I was in High School). Couple of years ago I started looking up videos of them on YouTube. Stumbled into the Cathedrals, who have become my favorite group. Never heard of this group. Will check out some of their vids.

vanilla said...

Sharkbytes, spontaneous has its benefits. Sometimes. The Cathedrals swung through our area a few years ago but most of my listening these days is via recordings, videos on the computer.

Sharkbytes said...

I mean the real Cathedrals- gone since 1992ish- George Younce and Glenn Payne both died about then

vanilla said...

Shark, me too. Perhaps I should have said "many" rather than "a few." I knew I would get old, but it surprises me how quickly it happened!

Vee said...

My Hubby would have loved this!

vanilla said...

Vee, he would have, and we did, too.