Friday, November 3, 2017

Please Fix This Mess

Tomorrow night you need to "fall back."  Yes, that nonsense arrives again.  This is my twice-annually friendly reminder that you need to mess with all the clocks.  Since we suffer from double daylight time (being geographically in the wrong sun-time zone) I wrote this little piece several years ago.  I would not mind the DST nonsense nearly so much if we were properly situated in the scheme of temporal things.

Again, my suggestion.  Perhaps someone will move it forward.  But I doubt it.


Lin said...

Ugh. The dreaded "time change." I think my body just got used to the last one.

vanilla said...

Lin, it does wear one out.

Secondary Roads said...

Just participated in a poll on this question before coming here. Over 80% of us agree that it's no longer necessary.

Sharkbytes said...

I don't care much one way or the other. But I do like the long evenings in the summer.

vanilla said...

Chuck, interesting. Seems a plebiscite would dispense with it-- but who cares what hoi polloi want?

Sharkey, in truth it really doesn't bother me much, either. but I like to have something inconsequential to go on about to keep my mind from other stuff.