Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Life Revised

NBC runs a show called "Timeless."  The premise is ridiculous, though I generally like stories that involve time-travel.  Last night, though, I watched the program, my first time.  I saw it through, but found myself getting increasingly irritated.  Over a fictional story? you ask.  Yes,

Three years ago, coincidentally on the same date NBC ran this show, I posted a fictional tale here in which Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow played roles in my tale.  Though my account was fictional and the actions of the characters were dreamed up in my mind, I went to considerable lengths to make sure that the timing and the locale of the behaviors were such that they might have fit perfectly into the lives of these two notorious characters as they actually lived them.  Preface.

Which brings us to the NBC folly.  The only thing they got right other than the names Bonnie and Clyde was the date, 1934,  Everything else was nonsense and in particular the way in which they were killed.  Now fiction is one thing, but violation of historical fact presented as fact in a fictional tale is an abomination.

We live in the Post-truth Era.  Truthiness is to be accepted as fact, for truth is what I say it is.

One is compelled to believe that whatever he reads or hears is likely to be baloney or horse feathers.

Discernment?  Play a requiem for discernment.  Sad

"When I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less." --Humpty Dumpty


Grace said...

Great quote from ole Humpty for what has been going on. My head is going to explode from all of this 'true fact' (as opposed to a non-true fact) nonsense. I am constantly asking the rhetorical question "How stupid are these people?" The latest Comet Ping Pong situation renders me incoherent...

(We watched the first episode of TImeless last week via Hulu - took it off the watch list, we deemed it predictable going forward so we won't bother with it. I like time travel stories too, thought this might be like "QUantum Leap", which was fun.)

vanilla said...

Grace, we think so much alike on so many things. Unfortunately I fear we have yet to plumb the depths of stupidity. And so widespread, too.

Vee said...

Horsefeathers, indeed.

vanilla said...

Vee, people are unbelievable. Literally.

Sharkbytes said...

Sounds like a normal news program.

vanilla said...

Shark, and that is one of life's travesties.