Scoot about, scout it out; check the country-side on your ride.
.From the wetland park, we traveled a bit farther north the next day to check out Fulton Beach. The pelicans like it.
Have you heard the story of the gull and the pelican? The legend perhaps explains the behavior of the birds observed here. In truth, you will often see gulls wherever you see pelicans.
A wonderful bird is the pelican,
Its bill can hold more than its belican.
It can take in its beak,
Enough food for a week.
But I really don't know how the helican.*
Our timing was excellent, for we came up to the docks just in time to watch the unloading of the days catch. All those sacks being transferred to shore are loaded with shrimp.
This fellow seems to have made a catch, as well.
The ride was longer, the activities different from those of the previous day. Variety, they say...
*I don't know the author. The verse has been in the lore more or less forever. I learned it before I would have been allowed to say the last line at home.
Nothing like being around the water for enjoyment and relaxation. Another beautiful weather day is on the way today, so it will provide a great backdrop to more activities like this~
When I learned that bit of verse, I changed the last word to "heckhecan." Then I could say it to my sisters. Later I taught it that way to my sons. Thus, each time I avoided trouble with somebody's mother.
That particular limerick is by Dixon Merritt - I leafed through my book on the history of limericks to find it - I could have googled it but then I would have been denied a delightful quarter of hour of giggles...
Nice to spend time at a harbor...
Nice pictures. It appears that you had a great day.
Shelly, the water is a feature of Texas that we particularly like. The weather is fantastic. At present.
Chuck, nicely done. But I couldn't slip that by my mom. She considered minced oaths and such to be as bad as cussin'.
Grace, thank you for the enlightenment! Too, it makes me happy to know that you found a quarter-hour of fun in your efforts.
Vee, it was a great day!
Love that ditty (and I like the pelicans), but I'm amazed that you would even type that line. But I like you for doing it. ;-)
Shark, sometimes one just can't mess with the original, though I know it has been done.
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