Christmas! morning, sometime before daybreak. Eldon, still in pjs, slips silently into the living room, as kids all over the world have done for generations.
There it is! The package is exactly right. He knows! This is it! This is the Christmas! Eldon has been dreaming of for, well, ever since he can remember.
The swinging door connecting the kitchen and the living area swings into the room and Dad enters. Mom is right behind Dad. "Go ahead, Son," Dad says. "Rip 'er open!"
He didn't have to be told twice. (For once in his life.)
So as we allow Eldon to enjoy his gift, let us all reflect on the greatest gift of all, the Gift of Eternal Life.
There it is! The package is exactly right. He knows! This is it! This is the Christmas! Eldon has been dreaming of for, well, ever since he can remember.
The swinging door connecting the kitchen and the living area swings into the room and Dad enters. Mom is right behind Dad. "Go ahead, Son," Dad says. "Rip 'er open!"
He didn't have to be told twice. (For once in his life.)
So as we allow Eldon to enjoy his gift, let us all reflect on the greatest gift of all, the Gift of Eternal Life.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men." --John 1:1-4
Yes! The truest and best Christmas gift of all.
Shelly, it is the Gift compared to which all our material things fade to nothingness!
Okay . . . You have gone over to the mean side. How long will you string us along with the story of Eldon?
Chuck, mean? Did you miss it? Eldon got his gift on Christmas morning; all is well in his world. For the moment.
you meanie! We are human and greedy enough to know what actual loot Eldon got.
Shark, now, now. We have all been offered the greatest gift of all!
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