I "help" in the kitchen. Such things as clean-up, pots and pans, and loading and unloading the dishwasher comprise the basic chores. On shopping days, I also carry in groceries and put them away.
The box was found in the pantry. And why not?
Does not this item look like all the other boxes that one would store in the pantry?
I probably don't need to tell you that when I dug this from the waste bin to take the pictures the odor almost knocked me down. (I wondered why it smelled funny in the pantry the last day or so.)
Anyway, it is my fault that there is no supper tonight. Clearly my fault. Destroy mode? BBBH found it necessary to "mention" that that was $8
down the drain.
I am going to build a "man-cave" and retreat into it.
Maybe even pull it in after me.
Just goes to prove yet again that if you want a job done right, do it yourself!
Dear friend, your name is Legion for we are many.
Jim, you mean she can't get the job done right if she doesn't do it herself?
Vee, oh, I am smiling; it's a new day and I am forgiven. I think.
Chuck, true that misery loves company. I am not alone!
We've had something similar happen- in fact, almost the exact scenario.
Shelly, if there are enough of us, perhaps we should get together and file a class-action complaint about the packaging with the manufacturer!
The package was still probably cold when you unpacked the groceries and that might have been a clue - maybe - that it wasn't pantry material? Just thinking out loud here...
Grace, that might have been one of the things BBBH said. I don't remember for sure. ;-)
Uh oh. Well...you tried, right? And we all make mistakes. Did you take her out to make up for it????
Lin, take her out? Is that what I should have done?
I am laughing! Last month I went searching for something in the big freezer. Apparently, as part of that search I put a frozen pizza temporarily on a pantry shelf. Oops... cut to scene about funny smell.
Shark, oh, dear. I guess there are many more of "us" than I had imagined. Clearly, it is the fault of the packaging industry. ;-)
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