Monday, November 18, 2019


Casual conversation with the spouse and apropos of nothing in particular she asked me if I had ever had a gossip bench.  A what?  You know, a chair thing with a phone table attached-- all-in-one, you know.

Nope.  Never had one.  So she introduced me to something old, but new to me.

I always say, A day in which one doesn't learn something is a wasted day.

Image result for gossip bench


Secondary Roads said...

That's a totally new concept to me. Neat idea--for its day. Could still be repurposed, I suppose.

Grace said...

That is a very nice piece of furniture. I've never heard it called that before, we always just called them telephone tables - I vaguely remember we had one when we lived in Bronx but when we moved to a single family house in Queens the telephone was on a huge sideboard in the dining room but there was a chair next to the sideboard so you could sit and talk...not quite the same thing but the concept was there (I guess...).

vanilla said...

Chuck, and speaking of neat, see, it even has a little drawer for the phone book, the tablet, and the pencil.

Grace, nomenclature is less important than function.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Love learning new things. Never heard it called that.