Friday, November 23, 2012

King? Well, Maybe Not.

This day in 1499 was the last day on Earth for Perkin Warbeck. Upon his attempt to escape the Tower of London, he was captured, dragged to the gallows and hanged.

Perkin was either Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York, son of King Henry IV, and there was a striking family resemblence, or he was not. He might have been the son of John Osbeck and Katherine de Faro, Flemish citizens of Tournai, or perhaps not. The latter details came from his confession before King Henry VII, for what that may be worth. 

What is certain is that Perkin Warbeck was a claimant to the English throne who had serious and persistent support for his claim, both in England and on the Continent. It is also certain that the reigning monarch took exception to the claim and ultimately terminated it with extreme prejudice.

Perkin Warbeck c.1474 - 1499

For an interesting and detailed account of this story, read my primary source, "Perkin Warbeck," by Dr. Ann Wroe.


John Cowart said...
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Secondary Roads said...

I choose my humble home over any kingly throne. Thanks anyway.

Shelly said...

Extreme and lethal prejudice!

vanilla said...

John, I'm sure hoi polloi was grateful for that!

Chuck, Perkin might well have lived longer had he made that choice.

Shelly, yes, the final solution.