A few weeks ago some of my blog pals played a little game in which they posted pictures of their classes when they were in elementary school, maybe fourth or fifth grade (here and here). I couldn't join in at the time, since 1) photography had not yet been invented when I was in grade school, and 2) all my non-digitalized pictures were fourteen hundred miles away, a bit inaccessible.
By the time I was in high school there did exist yearbooks, and the page reproduced here is from my first year. Yes, that is the entire freshman class. I was really hesitant to post this simply because of the dorkiness level. Oh, my.
A few months ago, I had the privilege of seeing two of these people at an all-school reunion. (One lives in Kansas, the other in Colorado.) Present were many other people I went to school with in ancient days. Upper classmen, don't you know. Howard I hear from occasionally. He lives in Oregon. The others? I haven't a clue.