Saturday, December 7, 2019

What's for Supper? #T

We had company last evening, good friends Naomi and Mark, who came to partake of beans and cornbread with us and to play a few hands of Sequence.  Good conversation, sharing trials and faith, reminiscing about times both funny and sad, praying together.  A wonderful evening, but that is not what i set out to tell you about.

BBBH set on the table a bowl of wonderful grapes, dessert, if you will and without a lot of gratuitous calories.  In the interest of full disclosure I'll insert right here that I was the one who washed the fruit.  Thoroughly washed the luscious little globes.  Or so I thought.  So who should be the one to spot the creature that lurked within?  The guest, of course, who as he reached for a few more grapes (yes, we had all eaten some of them at this point) exclaimed, "There's a spider on those grapes!"  And so there was.

I removed a cluster on which the beastie rested from the dish and assayed to capture the interloper.  But the little dickens dropped from her perch and lowered herself gently to the seat of the chair which Mark had recently and suddenly vacated.  I reached for the spider but she jumped to the floor.  I went to my knees in pursuit, all the while BBBH was like, "Stomp on it!  Kill it!"  It became clear to her that that wasn't going to happen so she switched to an apologetic tone and explained to our guests that her husband was a crazy man who likes spiders.

Too much story for what I have to tell, my wife might say.  So here's the ending.  I successfully captured the little arachnid and carried her to the sink where she posed for me while I snapped the picture.

If my identification is correct she is
phiddippus johnsoni, common jumping spider.
It is female; the male lacks the black spot on its red abdomen. They're everywhere from seashore to mountain top.  There is one or more near you as you read this


Lin said...

I don't like spiders because they always sneak up on this one did. I know they are good and all that stuff, and I will always grab a dixie cup and relocate instead of kill...but I would just prefer they don't come near me.

I'm glad you didn't kill it!

vanilla said...

Lin, I appreciate that you release these little invaders to a suitable locale in spite of your dislike for them. I am sure the arachniworld appreciates it, too.

Secondary Roads said...

I'm content to coexist with the small arachnids we have around here. I would, however, not be content to have them share chair, bed or food with me. A friend posted a pic of a spider recently, asking "What is this?" I don't know why she became upset when I responded, "Protein."

vanilla said...

Chuck, "protein." That's great!