Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What Say You?

This thing has been on the table more than three  weeks now.  I hated it from the moment I watched the pieces cascade from the sack to the table top but we are a persistent couple.  Up to a point.  Is this the point?  Do we continue the agonizing frustration, or do we show ourselves to be quitters?

Consider this.  Working a jigsaw puzzle should be fun.  This one stopped being fun almost before it started (see above).  Excuse the photography* if you can and weigh in on this.  To do or not to do, that is the question.  (We have averaged about six pieces a day for the last ten days, at which rate you-know-where may be frozen before we finish.

*I turned the camera on.  It's broken.  The only thing I could see on the screen was broken colored lines, I could only point and trigger, literally, and you see  how that turned out.


Jim Grey said...

Quit. If you don't, you've lost sight of the primary goal of puzzling: to have fun.

Grace said...

Yeah, if it's not fun, then why? (The photo came out fine...)

Lin said...

We had a puzzle like that once. We cursed the entire way through it and it ceased to be fun. We finished it, but Joe STILL curses that puzzle. I think I'd wrap it up and open something that is fun to work on.

Secondary Roads said...

I had to biggify the pic to get full effect. I can see the lack of joy just in looking at the pieces.

vanilla said...

Loyal Readers, The preponderance of opinion precludes completion. Thank you.