Sunday, June 10, 2018

Numbers 11, Continued

While God's manna was in never-ending supply yet the rabble among the people began to whine and complain about the lack of meat, and melons, and leeks, and garlic.   And their murmurs became a complaint among the people.

Moses in  conversation with God.

Moses:  Why do You afflict me with this tiresome people?

JHWH:  Tell the people to consecrate themselves in preparation, for tomorrow they will eat meat.  Not for a day or for ten or twenty days, but for an entire month, even until it runs our their noses.

Moses: Whoa!  I have this mob of six hundred thousand men and all their dependents and You tell me You will give them meat for a month?   It would take all the fish in the seas.  *incredulity*

JHWH:  Doubter!  Is my arm too short?  Now you will see whether or not my word is true.

Then Moses obeyed the Lord and told  the people what was going to transpire.  And, as promised, the quail came.  And came.  And came and the people gathered to their hearts' content.  But, scripture tells us, even before they could chomp it down the Lord's anger was kindled against them and He sent a plague upon them.  People died and were buried in that place which they named Kibroth Hattaavah which means "The Graves of Lust" for the people who were provided by the Lord with all their needs lusted for more, for what they did not have.  Their desires exceeded their needs.

Sound familiar?


Sharkbytes said...

Not the kind of thing I would like said of me, but I'm sure I'm had my moments.

vanilla said...

Sharkey, truthfully, it's a battle.

Secondary Roads said...

In the next few weeks our pastoral staff will wrap up a preaching series on Exodus. This began in January.

vanilla said...

Chuck, lots of things to chew on in that story.

Vee said...

Note to self: Stop complaining.