Monday, May 28, 2018

Blog Posting Murderers Meeting

In an exciting turn of events, Lin of "Duck and Wheel with String" called with the news that she was in the area, and would a meeting of the Blog Posting Murderers be in order?  Of course!  Lin showed up along with Joe and Emma and a wonderful though too-brief afternoon ensued.

We did not have a quorum for a full-fledged meeting of the group, so we formed an ad hoc committee composed of the two of us and proceeded to reminisce, fill in the blanks, and generally catch up.  Mention was made of course of the other members of the society, all good.

The five of us, the two bloggers, BBBH, Joe, and Emma, poked around the yard a bit, but soon repaired to the house and the AC for the temperature was already in the nineties and coming off a long winter it was a bit much outdoors.

Enjoyed the visit, though we missed you, Sharkey, and you, Chuck.


Grace said...

Oh I am so envious! I saw a photo (on FB?) of the four of you and I was struck with how petite BBBH is and loved that she and Joe were holding hands.

Sharkbytes said...

I am beyond jealous, although happy for you at the same time. It's pretty amazing that we pulled off that event in the first place, isn't it. Hope you have a wonderful summer. My enzymes are never ready for 90 degrees, but this early, I have no shot at tolerating it.

Secondary Roads said...

Wish we all could have been there. I think the other half of the BPM will be meeting next weekend. I'm not ready for 90 deg. temps, but that's in store for the next couple of days.

Lin said...

Oh my gosh...what a FUN visit we had! It was sadly too short because the Kautz Family Singers were DEAD after a weekend of wedding partying. But...we are definitely up for that again! David and JoAnn are adorable and fun! And baby Ezekiel was such a good baby!

Thanks for letting us come by, David and JoAnn!

vanilla said...

Grace, we so wish you could join with us but we will continue to enjoy you as part of the "group" via the blogs.

Sharkey, it has been noted that you and Chuck as the other half of the club have had a few meetings of your own, so we share the jealousy. Perhaps somehow, somewhere the four of us can meet up again.

Chuck, no one around here is ready for the heat, either, but we will take what we get. Hope you and the Shark have a great time next weekend!

Lin, your visit made our week! How thoughtful of you to take the time-- and the additional travel to visit us, especially after the "rigors" of a wedding celebration. It was a wonderful bonus to have the pleasure of meeting your beautiful daughter, Emma.
Thank you.