Tuesday was overcast, but again a good day for cruising around. Back at the park, we spent most of the afternoon sitting outside the rig further promoting the tanning. The neighbors to our left, Art and Sue, joined us for much conversation and laughter. A bit later Jim and Holly from across the lane came over, Jim with his guitar. We had our own private jam session right here on the lot! Picking, singing, talking, and a lot more laughter. Missouri, Kansas, and of course, Indiana, all coming together in camaraderie.
We all contributed solos, duets, loud and lusty singing all together. A special treat was a rendition by Jim who accompanied himself on the guitar. It was an excellent performance of Jim Henson's "The Train to Morrow."

- You can not go to Morrow anymore today,
For the train that goes to Morrow is a mile upon its way.
We broke it up at dark and repaired to our respective abodes to rest up for the "morrow."
Now you are rubbing it in.
Chuck, oh, no, Sir. I would never do that. Just reporting the facts. ;-p
Glad you are having fun!
South Texas is a dream in the winter, but not so much in the summer. Glad you all are having fun down here!
What a great time! I love to sing like that.
Vee, thank you. It is pretty good.
Shelly, it is wonderful in the winter. We've wintered here several years now. We have heard that it is not quite the same in the summer, but we've not tried it!
Shark, I just bet you do get into some good singing around the campfire after a long day on the trail!
Oh, it sounds lovely down there and lots of fun! You aren't missing much from up north, pally, just lots of cold and snow! Smart to leave when you did.
Lin, it is lovely; we are truly blessed.
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