Friday, June 11, 2010

Misumena Vatia

A beautiful evening. The temperature had moderated to a comfortable eighty degrees, the humidity had eased off a bit. BBBH and I, along with Cookie, sat on the garden bench enjoying the breeze as it soughed softly through the austrees behind us.

As we were leaving, BBBH suggested that I pick a bouquet for her, so I took trusty knife from my pocket and clipped a nice grouping of shasta daisies and white yarrow. She took them in, placed them in a vase. We went about our normal evening. At eleven p.m. I went to the kitchen to set up the coffee maker in prepartion for morning. As I filled my container, imagine my surprise when I spotted a lovely white spider in the sink. Great surprise, for I had never before seen a white spider. A brief research on the web taught me that that was largely due to failure to be truly observant, for I discovered that such creatures are virtually ubiquitous, occuring in gardens worldwide.

I snapped these photos with a point-and-shoot. I have added the picture of the spider on the lavender flower which I borrowed from the web, so that you can see what the little gal looks like when properly photographed with proper equipment.

Can you see her there?

Oh, there she is!

Encouraged her to walk over to a black surface.

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Secondary Roads said...

How often do we fail to notice little things that are "always" there?

Vee said...

Had a "lovely white spider" been in my sink, I can guarantee it would not have lived long enough to be photographed.

vanilla said...

Chuck, entirely too often, I suspect.

Vee, I can but hope that neither you nor the spider shall be so unlucky as to encounter one another,

Lin said...

White, brown, stripey, or black---EEEEK! I'm scared of spiders!!!

vanilla said...

Lin, you and my sister, it seems!