Monday, March 10, 2014

What It's Cracked Up to Be

I go upstairs to get ready for bed after watching the local news.  Well, the first twenty minutes of it-- I bail when they start talking about professional sports.  So I walk into my bathroom, flip on the light, and there looking out at me as I look into the mirror. . .

AAARGH! I yell, as I rush to the railing on the landing overlooking the great room where BBBH is seated on a sofa reading, as is her wont.  She, a bit startled, starts to rise from the sofa.  "What's wrong?" in an anguished tone of voice.

"I looked into the mirror and there is this terribly ugly and hideous old man in there looking back at me!  Wrinkles, no, gullies and arroyos at the corners of his eyes, the Christmas eyes encased in purple bags, crevices in the forehead."  Long, sustained groan.

She, being who she is, attempts to reassure me with comforting lies.

And I go ahead and brush my teeth and get in bed.


Lin said...

It's the mirror. I've got one of those too. :)

Vee said...

"Mirror, mirror on the wall..." Does it always have to be honest?

Shelly said...

Those lying mirrors...I think we've all got one or two.

vanilla said...

Lin, yeah, that's gotta be it.

Vee, I guess we just have to accept the reality.

Shelly, sure seems there are a lot of defective looking glasses around these days.

Secondary Roads said...

Oh yes, that man in the mirror. Be kind to him. He could be your worst enemy or your best friend--it's up to you.

Grace said...

I look in the mirror and often see my father - so count your blessings!

vanilla said...

Chuck, great advice, for you state truth. And if it is true that "beauty is only skin deep," then it follows that so is ugly. Or as Mama said, "Pretty is as pretty does." Or was that Gump's mama? Mine, too.

Grace, we should both count our blessings: we are still able to look in the mirror!

Sharkbytes said...

Crinkles and character. That is all.

vanilla said...

Sharkey, I like the way you think.

kc bob said...

LOL, this geezer can relate!

vanilla said...

KC Bob, disconcerting, isn't it?