Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Better to Hear You With

Wiener has been with us for five months now.  I believe we have all adapted to the new circumstances.  He is a very well-behaved dog, doing what he wants to do for the most part.  The biggest problem is that these two elderly people haven't the energy to frolic with the dog as much as he would like, and thus he gets bored.  How does he handle that?  He gets in his bed and sleeps. Then BBBH feels guilty and says, "He sleeps way too much."  I can think of worse things.

He was walking across the floor with both ears flopped back over his head, so I asked him to stop and pose.  He did.  He often has one ear or the other back over his head, but seldom both at the same time. I thought it quite funny.


Lin said...

Maybe if Spring can start taking him for walks. Might be a nice thing for all of you to do together. :)

I love Weiner Dog and those wacky ears. :)

Sharkbytes said...

Dogs just look weird that way. I always think they would feel the air in their ears and shake their heads to "fix" them. But they don't.

vanilla said...

Lin, oh! it was 65 and sunny and we went for a long walk with the dog. It was wonderful! This morning, snowing, blowing. . . :-(

Sharkey, I think the same thing, but they don't.

Shelly said...

Nevertheless, he looks like a pretty contented dog. A dog's life, indeed!

Secondary Roads said...

A handsome flop-eared fellow is he.

vanilla said...

Shelly, yes, he lacks little for contentment. Except when he wants to play and we don't.

Chuck, there is a certain something about him.

Grace said...

Oh yea puppy photos! Yuh, the ears back thing is funny - the cats do that sometimes - even funnier...I wanted a frankfurter dog when I was a little...

vanilla said...

Grace, our pets give us so much. Reciprocity, though!

kc bob said...

Cute dog. We had two and would love to have another but Ann's disability is more than I can handle - at the moment. :)

vanilla said...

KC Bob, when our long-time canine companion died two years ago, we thought not to acquire another dog. But, this is a "rescue" dog in a manner of speaking. We took him when the granddaughter who owned him could no longer care for him. He's a good dog.