Sunday, July 10, 2011

Music for Sunday, and a Memory

I related earlier that I attended a Christian school during my teen years. I sang in Mixed Chorus. The director did not dignify it by calling it a choir, but she tried her very best to elicit choir-like performances from us. I truly enjoyed participating in this thing, one of the very, very few things I enjoyed about school. This video features one of my favorite songs that we did. This group may do it with more technical skill, but they do not hold a candle to CSBC Mixed Chorus for enthusiasm!


(Sorry the second verse is cut short.)


Anonymous said...

I grew up in a "singing" church and the music has always been my favorite part of church-going. (tho I don't share your enthusiasm for this particular rendition and admittedly I am not familiar with the song).

vanilla said...

Grace, this is not my favorite rendition, either, but the only one I could find with a massed chorus. We did it better, of course! I did find some solo renditions that were pretty good.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

wow- i had forgotten all about that song, although it was one of my favorites.

vanilla said...

Shark, it is truly strange, the things that come to mind unbidden after many years. (Often in the middle of the night.) But I'm glad I thought of this one.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

When will they learn than technical skill is no match for enthusiasm.... ;)