Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pretty Girls of the Thirties

Last Saturday I pedalled to the Post Office, as I do six days a week. I opened my box and found within it a 6 x 9 brown envelope.  It was from a cousin from whom I have probably not received more than two items in the mail in my lifetime.  Within the envelope I found two pictures and a short note.  This is one of the pictures.  Bill said he was going through some old items when he found these and thought I might like to have them.

The lady on the right as you look at the photo is my mother.  The shorter woman is her sister nearest in age to her.  I have no idea what the occasion was that inspired this pose of Mother and Aunt Mildred.  It is not Mom's wedding day, for she was married on Christmas Eve.  Mildred's?  I don't know.  At any rate, this was probably circa 1930.

And how timely was the receipt of the picture, for today is the anniversary of Mother's birth, August 28, 1908.

Love you always, Mama.

Vera Morrell Lacy 1908 - 1991 RIP


John Cowart said...

What a nice surprise to find in your mail!

Shelly said...

What a grand thing, timed exquisitely, to receive!

Grace said...

I knew that was your Mom as soon as I saw the photo! Guess I recognized her from other photos...

Pearl said...

What a wonderful gift. :-)


vanilla said...

John, occasionally there is something in the mail besides bills or ads for hearing aids!

Shelly, it was nice timing, and I am sure that was serendipity.

Grace, I have shared photos of Mama on other occasions.

Pearl, Cousin is a thoughtful person.

Vee said...

Great timing! I was thinking yesterday about having left a birthday gift for Mom on my bed before I went to the church for our wedding. As I had hoped, she found it the next morning. She was a wonderful mother.

I know this is not Mom's wedding picture.I have a picture of her in her wedding dress.

I just got a note from cousin, Pauline, this week in which she told me she thought I looked like Aunt Mildred. Until I just downloaded this one, I did not have a picture of Aunt Mildred.

Echoing you: "Love you always, Mama."

Lin said...

Oh, wasn't that a nice surprise?! It was thoughtful of them to send it to you.

Pretty gals!

vanilla said...

Vee, one might guess that you and Mildred are related.

Lin, thank you. Yes, thoughtful people do nice things.

Secondary Roads said...

I'm sure I left a comment here the other day. Now it is gone. Which reminds me, "Today is that tomorrow we talked of yesterday."

vanilla said...

Chuck, don't recall seeing an earlier comment. Oh, well. If today is yesterday's tomorrow, what happens to the expression "Tomorrow never comes"?