Friday, October 30, 2015

All-time Best Halloween Blog Post*

I am making this an annual event.  That is how much I like it.  Hope you like it.
Tomorrow.  Tomorrow is Halloween.  It has become quite a big deal, commercially, that is.  Why, I would guess that the dollar turnover on decorations and partying is as big as Christmas.  Yet I don't think of Halloween as a holiday.  A day for fun and mischief, perhaps, but even the mischief has gotten carried away from fun into wickedness.

But that's not the reason for this post.

Here is the reason:  Wishing you a fun and safe good time on Halloween.  And,

inflicting on you once again my all-time favorite Halloween cartoon.  You are welcome.

Purely for your entertainment (and to keep you out of trouble) check out these rules for sharing your Halloween spoils.

*Yes, I am tooting my own horn.  "Lo, he who tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted." --Gene Fowler


Vee said...

W.i.c.k.e.d. cartoon!

Grace said...

If I had not already had a laugh-able conversation with my husband over Cheerios, this would have been my first chuckle of the day. (Do they still make Chuckles? You can have the black one...)

vanilla said...

Vee, yes, it is. Very, very funny in a sick sort of way.

Grace, I do like Chuckles. The candy, I mean. And it is available at your local Walgreen's. I would be delighted to have the black one-- it is my favorite one followed by any of the others.

Lin said...

That's a good one! That made me laugh this morning.

I am a grump this Halloween. I am trying to get out of it by having some blog friends over for dinner. I hope they don't murder me.

Secondary Roads said...

Just when I was trying to ignore Halloween, I see this.

Regarding Lin's fear, remember that she is one of the "Blog Posting Murderers."

All Saints day on Sunday.

vanilla said...

Chuck, I am so sorry I ripped away your tranquility.

Yes, I do know that Lin is a member of that crew.

vanilla said...

Lin, party on! Dinner with friends makes so much more sense than the sort of things most people get up to on Halloween.