Sunday, March 8, 2015


The heat pump is running!  Snow is melting!
The courageous old people ventured out for
an evening on the town.

Beloved had the salad.  I snapped pix while 
awaiting the entree.

It was well worth the wait!

I had the seafood ravioli, marinara.
She chose spaghetti and meatballs.

We concluded the evening with a visit to Atlanta Music Hall.  Pasta for the palate, music for the soul.  A truly great night out.

The band segued into a waltz.  92-year old gentleman wearing a brown derby stood, bowed to his 89-year old wife, extended his hand.  She accepted, stood, and they waltzed across the front of the room, danced up the aisle!  I can only hope that when I am 92. . .


Grace said...

Has BBBH gotten a new hair-do? She looks marvelous. So does dinner. Seems you had a lovely intro to Spring.

vanilla said...

Grace, thank you; you are kind. BBBH does her own hair, and yes, she had just cut and shaped it. It was lovely, and so nice to get out for a change.

kc bob said...

Looks like a great time. I love ravioli.

vanilla said...

KC Bob, it was a great time. In the pasta family, ravioli stand near the head of the line!

Lin said...

Oh, how sweet! Glad you got out for such a nice evening. JoAnn looks always. :)

It was nice to see the sun later tonight although the time change here is bound to kill me tomorrow morning.

vanilla said...

Lin,thanks; we did enjoy the "night out." Water beginning to pool behind the barn! Bare spots in lawns, temperatures headed up. Good things.
The time change has little effect on us, but I do feel for those (you) who have to go to work in the morning.

Secondary Roads said...

Is that "cancer on the back wall of the restaurant? It looks like the plaster is falling off. Yesterday, we ate at our favorite Chinese place, and your remember how that looks.

Vee said...

Did you not waltz with beautiful?

vanilla said...

Chuck, someone's idea of 'decor' I think. Remove some chunks of plaster, brush clean, paint white, voila! Art.

Vee, I did not.

Sharkbytes said...

There is something just wrong about seafood ravioli :P but the music sounds good. A 95 year old just broke the world record for the 200 yard dash in his age group. Something you can look forward to?

Sharkbytes said...

There is something just wrong about seafood ravioli :P but the music sounds good. A 95 year old just broke the world record for the 200 yard dash in his age group. Something you can look forward to?