Duck and Wheel with String discovered Goose with Frock and Bonnet on her front step. Lin is so not into kitsch. I get that. But this has prodded me into making this terrible confession. We have concrete statuettes in our yard. This SWaSD tableau is in our backyard, not visible from the street. Nor can the next-door neighbors see them unless they are looking for them. Is there an excuse for this? Yes. Yes, there is. They make BBBH happy! So it is likely that each spring I will place them somewhere in the backyard. Each fall I'll lug them back into the barn to protect them from the ravages of winter. And Snow White weighs ninety pounds. [groan]
Today's Tale
I was riding home on the bike when I spotted this less than two blocks from home.
My thoughts ran in this manner. The pig did not wander from home and get itself trapped behind the guardrail and in front of the sign post. Someone had to help him get there. So someone boosted him from his rightful place, that is, this is a stolen pig. Now why would I think that? I think that because several years ago when SWaSD "lived" in our front yard, someone stole three of them. A letter to the editor, an appeal to a conscience somewhere, was instrumental in the recovery. So now they inhabit the backyard. But back to the pig.
I worked in the concrete industry many years ago and I have a pretty good notion of what the stuff weighs. Eyeballing the pig suggests that there may be about 150 pounds of material there. Not only did the pig not place itself there, it was probably an effort involving at least two people.
Profiling. Yes, I am picturing a certain type of human individual who might be involved in such a thing. Does male teenager seem about right?