Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Big Bill Broonzy

The embers within me that carried the fire of the blues in my soul were fanned into flame primarily by Big Bill Broonzy and Bessie Smith.  I am a musician at heart, yet have virtually no talent for making music.

This is some music!

The artist was born Lee Conley Bradley on June 26, 1893.  Or maybe it was 1903.  Or 1897.  The exact year of his birth may never be established, but his musicianship is undisputed.  Basically, the lad was self-taught, but was performing in public at an early age.  Broonzy was a prolific song writer and a fantastic picker.

Broonzy served in the military two years in Europe during the War to End All Wars.  Thereafter his life was devoted to making music, and making the world a better place because of his music.

Big Bill Broonzy 1893 - 1958  RIP


Jim said...

On the blues, my good man, you and I shall always agree.

Shelly said...

I'd never heard of him, but now I'm intrigued and going to find more of his music to listen to~

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! New to me as well but I am going to get better acquainted. Thanks!

Pearl said...

Never heard of him. Thanks, vanilla!


vanilla said...

Pearl, I am always happy to point people in the right direction!

vanilla said...

Jim, appreciate a man who appreciates the blues!

Shelly, happy listening! I know you will enjoy.

vanilla said...

Grace, I don't know why your comment got caught in the spam folder, but I read it. Hope you enjoy Big Bill!

Sharkbytes said...

I have an album of Great Blues Guitarists, and he has two songs on it.

vanilla said...

Shark, BBB was *instrumental* in sparking my interest in the blues.