Party poopers prohibit poppers; water balloons banned. This notice was posted at the site of the fire tower. I immediately understood the ban on fireworks, but I had to try to cast myself in the role of a juvenile in order to understand the water balloon thing. Not so hard to figure, though. Kids are strong enough, nimble enough to climb the fire tower, and altitude + water balloon = ? You can see the potential, so prohibition = good.
The tower was open. Anyone who wants to may climb the thing. There was a mild admonition to be careful at the entry. I, of course, had no inclination to ascend, although a decade ago, I might have done. (I climbed to the top of the lighthouse at Port Isabel, Texas as recently as six years ago.)
BBBH at the base of the tower. It took a few stents in her heart to gain the result, but she is good on the trail now! Praises be to God. She didn't want to go up the tower, however.
Raising our voices in song. A like number of people to my left, but I include the picture to draw attention to the trees. I mentioned in a comment that the setting was in a hardwood forest, the trees largely hickory and oak. Note the beautiful tall, straight trees! Very impressive.
This great park, twenty miles south of Ft. Wayne, is about sixty-five miles from our home. The setting, the activities, and the fellowship all worked together to make the experience well worth the drive Normally, we leave the party on Thursday, but circumstances conspired to motivate us to leave Wednesday afternoon, a decision which turned out to be most beneficial. The early Thursday morning storms that rolled through Indiana stayed mostly to the north of us. The park was dead center in their path.
Today is Flag Day! Honor Old Glory.
Today is Flag Day! Honor Old Glory.
I understand the water balloon post. It's to warn the occasional youngster who enters old people territory. Just sayin'.
What a lovely place. The water balloon ban is the first such I've seen, except in my classroom. A commendable feat, climbing to the top of the lighthouse!
That would be a great spot for a look out.
Vee, curiously enough, we shared the park with a large contingency of young people and kids. Oh, school is out; that explains it.
Shelly, I had never seen such a sign before. I used to collect water guns that showed up in the classroom, threw them in the "bottom drawer." What happens these days? Does zero tolerance policy require suspension? I mean, kids can't even point a finger these days; might resemble a 'weapon'.
Chuck. yes, find the high ground and build higher!
I still like to go UP. What were you singing?
Shark, the view from "up there" is worth the climb; glad you can do it.
Singing? Songs and choruses of the Faith!
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