Yes, so would we. Scarcely a day passes that BBBH and I do not engage in the sport. Not the railroad track and the oncoming train, dippy. Set up the board, Beloved Beautiful, I'm ready!
Cartoon is from an ad published in the October 1983 issue of Science Digest.
My sons are finally old enough to play. I just bought a new deluxe board on casters (so it spins) and that folds with drawers in it for all the tiles and trays. Awesomeness!
I always wanted one of those boards that spins. My kids and I use to play a lot before they grew up and moved out.
Blessings, andrea
Prov:22:6: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Way to go, Jim.
Andrea, I guess it helps keep at least some of the brain cells active!
Maybe we need to get a carousel-type set. I always have to look at it upside down.
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