Thursday, February 23, 2017

Fences, the Movie

BBBH and I don't go on  dates nearly enough.  Of course we dated, prenuptial, but like other couples we know, with  time we have been overcome by inertia too often.  The principal danger of this is that a couple may begin to take one another for granted, become blase, watch the spark die and just sit.  Lord, preserve us from such fate.

Last evening we went to a movie.  She wanted popcorn, so I sprang for popcorn.  Do you see the romantic overtones coming into play here?  The point.  We saw Fences  with Denzel Washington and Viola Davis.  We enjoyed the show and our after-performance review suggests that I might have liked it a bit the better.  There are several things that are certain.  1)  The performances were stellar.  2)  The cinematography did a reasonable job in its attempt to convince the viewer it was a cinematic production and not a stage play.  3) The writer, August Wilson, admirably turned a series of family life experiences into a coherent and entertaining whole.

To the first point, Denzel Washington, as Troy, gave a professional and moving rendition of a man who had his demons, but responsibility became his touchstone.  He was nominated for a Golden Globe and for the Academy Awards, Best Actor.  Viola Davis, as Troy's wife, was fantastic.  Just saying.  She, too, was nominated for GG Best Supporting Actress, which she won, and for the AW, same category.  Also, she has the most amazing hands!

Second point, though played on the silver screen, it was obvious that the story was written for the stage.  There were some scenes, however, where the director was able to utilize the camera to good effect, conveying parts of the unspoken story.  But I still watched feeling that I could enjoy the stage presentation.

Final point.  There is action  in the show, some violent and heart-wrenching, but if you are an action  movie fan, this  one  would not fill the bill for you.  Again, to the credit of the director, Washington, every scene is germane to the development of  the  story.  We are not big fans of the cinema, but our  ratings are given here  for your amusement.

On  a scale  of one to five, BBBH, gives it ✨ ✨ ✨. Story is drawn from common lives of common people.

My rating is ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ .   I thought  it  excellent entertainment and to me, the best stories are those that reflect  the human  condition.  Fantasy may have  been  my bag long ago, but I am older now.πŸ˜€

Recommend:  See the movie.

To wrap up our evening, we  came home where I made  us a grilled cheese sandwich which we shared with our drinks of choice, milk for me, grapefruit juice  for  her.


Secondary Roads said...

A good date night for you both.

vanilla said...

Chuck, good enough should do it more often!

Vee said...

Nice date. My hubby does not like to spring for the popcorn. He thinks it is a rip-off and he doesn't ever want to be swindled.

vanilla said...

Vee, tell Hubby it depends on what you are buying. If you are buying popcorn, it is a giant ripoff, but if you are buying a good time for your Sweetie, it's cheap at twice the price. Besides, I am told it is the concession sales that keep the local theater afloat.