I was a student at Seattle Pacific during the time Baylor played for Seattle University. I saw him play NCAA ball. Did not see him as a pro where his career extended into his late seventies as management employee.
I post this honoring his achievements on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. Much has been written about his career. For those who are basketball fans, look it up.

Happy birthday, Mr. Baylor!
I used to hear his name a lot, but don't think I ever saw him in action.
Chuck, I saw him play nearly six decades ago when "their" team stomped "our" team. Literally, in the sense that one of their players deliberately stomped on the face of one of ours when he was on the floor. Right in front of my second-row seat. Emblazoned image.
not a roundball fan, but he sounds like a worthy participant
Sharkey, one has to be a "roundball" fan in Hoosierland, at least at the high school level. I have never been interested in pro basketball at the "fan" level.
I was a huge Laker fan back then. Loved watching him and Jerry West play.
KCBob, as I indicated, although I was a fan at the collegiate and h.s. levels, I never really followed pro bb. One would have to pretty oblivious, though, if he did not recognize names like Baylor, West, Unseld, and the "Johhny-come-latelys" like Bird and Jordan! I did like to watch Reggie Miller with the Pacers, but he's old now, too.
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