Sunday, December 1, 2013

Keep on Turning

“Consider the blinded beast that turns the wheel of the mill, which though it sees not, neither knows what it does, yet does a great work in grinding the corn, and although the mule does not taste of the flour, yet its Master receives the fruit, and many people benefit from the mule’s trudging labor."  --Miguel de Molinos, 1575


Shelly said...

I had not heard this quote before, but it certainly bears truth.

kc bob said...

Speaks to me of the value of trusting when you do not understand.

vanilla said...

Shelly, is it another "ours not to reason why" sort of thing?

KC Bob, I believe that is the message. "Trust and obey."

Sharkbytes said...

Reminds us that most of what we do isn't really about us.

vanilla said...

Sharkey, let us at least hope that much of what we do benefits others.