Friday, October 11, 2013

C'est plus. . .

Bob Warr posted this on his blog a bit over a year ago.  O. Henry wrote it over a century ago.  The passage of time since either event occurred has not improved the situation.  Bob doesn't mind my re-posting this.  See I credited the source.  Both sources.

Excerpt from "The Foreign Policy of  Company 99" by O. Henry.
This was written over a century ago.  The more things change, the
more they stay the same.
Jeffries is James J. Jeffries, noted boxer of the day.


Grace said...

In a college history class the professor explained that because we have a written constitution, with everything in one document, our civil rights are more easily abridged/denied/taken away, than say England, which has no ONE written document of it's laws and citizens rights and privileges...

vanilla said...

Grace, there's a thought I believe I had never had presented to me. Hmmm.

Shelly said...

Indeed, there is nothing new under the sun.

vanilla said...

Shelly, nor ever shall be.

Sharkbytes said...

See how hard it is to write a good book. All five plots have already been used.

vanilla said...

Sharkey, I have long believed, still do, that in the world of fiction, and perhaps even broader than that, everything is derivative. I merely hope that I might hang some new trappings on the old framework. And indeed, the trappings may have been second-hand, too. But I hope not.