Friday, September 21, 2012


Today is the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, more commonly known simply as The Hobbit.

This wonderful fantasy by J. R. R. Tolkien has led millions of young people as well as the young at heart on fearsome and fantastical adventures.  So immensely popular was the book that the publisher prevailed upon the author to provide a sequel which resulted in The Lord of the Rings.  Who among us has not read, or at least seen a screen version of these tales?

Having led a somewhat sheltered existence, I was first introduced to The Hobbit by a twelve-year old girl who was a student in my seventh-grade math class.  She was first amazed that I had not read the book, then adamant that I should do so.  I did.  That led me straight on into the trilogy known as the Lord of the Rings and I had some wonderful and exciting adventures in my reading that winter.

The Hobbit has never been out of print.


The Cranky said...

I introduced my father to it when I was 12/13 and he fell in love with it; eventually collecting every book he could find by J R R Tolkien. Shortly before he died he gave me his collection, which I treasure.

Shelly said...

I love Tolkein's works, especially The Hobbit.

Secondary Roads said...

Watch for the movie. This morning, I watched the 2nd trailer. See it here:

Anonymous said...

I read these back in 1963 or thereabouts. Last year I attempted to read them again - notice I said 'attempted' - I was maybe not bored exactly but definitely not interested.

I tried re-reading 'Catcher in the Rye" last year too - that was a snore and a bore but the rest of Salinger has stood the test of time - for me anyway.

vanilla said...

Jacquelineand, gotta love those young teens who lead their elders aright!

Shelly, The Hobbit is my favorite.

Chuck, thanks for the link.

Grace, as an "older" person I re-read and enjoyed The Hobbit, but wading through the Lord of the Rings seemed an unproductive exercise when tomorrow is uncertain. :-)

Sharkbytes said...

The classic fantasies, and, to my mind, still some of the very best. Son does not agree, he thinks they are too simple, but I think sometimes simplicity is ideal to keep the themes from getting muddied.

vanilla said...

Shark, perhaps fantasy has grown too complicated over time?