Monday, August 30, 2010


Absolutely gorgeous days recently. Shut the Toshiba and repaired to the yard. To repair the yard, so to speak, inasmuch as it has suffered considerable neglect during the month-long heat wave.

And what should I find along the west end of the lot but these loverly piles of dirt.

They are called, I believe, "molehills." Oh, yes they are.

Now what?
I saw this critter climbing the pear tree. He paraded his green glory fearlessly as I snapped several shots, at least one of which captured him!


Lin said...

Hmmmmmm.... we don't have moles here, so I have no idea about them. But I do love the praying mantis! WOW! They are so creepy/cool! I like how they turn to look at you and give YOU the stare of death!

My yard is looking bad these days! Too much dry hot weather and the garden is embarrassing.

vanilla said...

Lin--Just so. The mantis will stare you down. I'm sure our yard and gardens haven't fared any better than yours. Common experience.