Saturday, February 20, 2016

Today's Chuckle

The chuckle.
Joe and I are sitting at adjoining tables, back to back.

Joe:  (To his table mates)  "I am gonna live to be a hundred.  I still have lots of people to piss off."

Me:  *laughing out loud*

And not so funny, but a day-brightener.

Rocky tells us he is getting his scooter today, his face lit up like Christmas.  Boy and new Toy.

"So you'll soon be racing up and down the halls frightening all the old ladies."

Not really the case, for following a couple days of learning to drive his new vehicle he will disappear from these premises.  And good for him.


Jim Grey said...

I know guys who say things like Joe. The great thing about guys like that is that they always announce their intentions so you can steer clear!

vanilla said...

Jim, astute man who can read the signs and avoid problems.

Secondary Roads said...

Seems to me that someone is plotting an escape . . .

Grace said...

Feistiness is underrated -

vanilla said...

Chuck, maybe more than one someone. Maybe they'll spring me this week. Visit surgical team Tuesday, then we shall see what we shall see.

Grace. a little feistiness, a little grit will see us through!

Vee said...

You are great with interacting with everyone, regardless of the setting. Good skill to have. Me, well I just pull the head and legs in under the shell. Wish I could be more social.

vanilla said...

Vee, maybe. Just following Dad's imperative: If you would have friends you must show yourself friendly. Too, observe the heights to which you have risen, people skills prerequisite thereto.