Thursday, February 18, 2016

OT and PT

 A word of explanation: Before surgery I had written an introductory piece "On the other side of the door" in which I intended to relate my experiences in the nursing home.  I intended to post it after my arrival here.  Somehow, using BBBH's smartphone I was outsmarted by technology, limited eyesight, and thick fingers.  I totally lost the piece.  So I have been putting up short items on the phone and writing, writing in my notebook.  By "notebook" I mean the kind you had in grade school, completely retrotech.  Today I have my computer.  Connecting to the network here is problematic betimes, so this may not be a "regular feature."

OT and PT

 The ladies of the physical and occupational therapies are a bevy of beauties. No, really.  If we were speaking of the contestants of a beauty pageant we would likely refer to the participants as a bevy of beauties.  That tag is appropriate here as well,  None would qualify as either swimsuit model or fashion model.  But they are beautiful people who enjoy serving their clients.  While each one possesses her own personality they all have two characteristics in common.  They are genuinely pleasant and they are relentless.

I am tired now.


Grace said...

It seems folks in these professions truly are beauties. I was in PT for months (out-patient) and along with their professional expertise which kept me out of surgery and a wheelchair, I was buoyed by their concern and their cheer-leader attitude (something I might not normally be thrilled with). I was their prize pupil and was actually sad when I graduated. I still have my graduation card. Go David!

Secondary Roads said...

The folks that are drawn into that profession are truly beautiful. Proverbs 31 beautiful. I thank God for each one of them.

vanilla said...

Grace, good for you. I am blessed to have good staff here and true encourages such as you.

vanilla said...


Vee said...

Great that you have nice and knowledgeable therapists.

vanilla said...

Chuck, they are. I think some are moved toward it due to their own or a family member's battles.

vanilla said...

Vee. They are good.

Lin said...

What skill they have! Oh, to be so nice, care so much, and to be "hated" upon arrival....Ugh. It's amazing the work they do!

I'm soooo glad you are back to posting. Like you...that phone business is for the birds. It makes me crabby.

Ilene said...

I'm glad you finally got your computer. I miss reading your blog posts. How wonderful that you are surrounded by such a wonderful group of professionals, and I know that all your hard work will pay off.

vanilla said...

Lin, "hated," yes, but they bring it on themselves by reminding one that "PT" means pain and torture. I'm kidding; I am always pleased to see them. They may not be kidding.

Yep. Have a keyboard now. A pnone response would be like four words and take me five minutes to write.

Ilene, having some of my favorite pastimes returned to me is making for a less crabby patient.