Sunday, June 24, 2018

Magic and the Incomprehensible

In my reading a few days ago I encountered this:

     "Science is magic, only real."

No.  Science is the puny attempt of mankind to comprehend the Mind of God.

The endeavor is fated ever to fall short, for as John Chrysostom correctly observed, "A god comprehended is no god."

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55:8-9 (KJV)


Vee said...

Is the quest to "comprehend the Mind of God" an attempt to demonstrate that there is no Higher Power? Searching for God's knowledge, as Eve desired?

vanilla said...

Vee, exactly so, for Chrysostom's observation might be read in more than one way. Hence we may infer that to comprehend God is to demonstrate there is no god. Man, in spite of his persistent denial of God's existence, has always and forever sought to "be as god."

Sharkbytes said...

Well, I've been working on a manuscript for years called "How to Know the Mind of God," but it's not an attempt to understand how God holds the world together.

vanilla said...

Sharkey, I infer that your treatise will explore avenues by which we learn the will of God for our lives. Look forward to your thoughts.

Secondary Roads said...

I spend part of each day contemplating the flora and fauna that surrounds. In all that there is evidence of infinite intelligence and attention to the tiniest of details--both microscopic and macroscopic.

vanilla said...

Chuck, exactly so. And yet incomprehensibly there are those who have degrees in "flora" or "fauna" who insist that it is all random happenstance. Glad we are smarter than that.

Secondary Roads said...


Sharkbytes said...

Vanilla- don't hold your breath. I am continually held back by the concern that I have no credentials or markedly successful experience to tell anyone else how to live a Christian life.