Thus to study this phenomenon in greater detail I went to google and opened images. What should I get? Insects, of course. What, in fact, did I get? Pictures of men garbed in serious protective gear and holding a strange fat bat. Say what? Not one image of a cricket. What has the world come to?
Some people believe that an unusual manifestation of crickets in the house portends a hard winter.
Personally I think any winter would be hard for such a tiny creature. I know that is the case for me.
It is claimed that one can determine the air temperature by counting the number of chirps emitted by a cricket in 14 seconds. To this number add 40 to get the temperature F. That is c + 40 = degrees F.
For you in Canada, and in a huge portion of the world if you need your reading C,
count the number of chirps in 25 seconds, divide by 3 and add 4. That is c/3 + 4 = degrees C.
Get your stopwatch and have at it. I say as I hear the cheery chirrup of a critter challenging me to oust him from the premises.