String Too Short to Tie
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
The magi followed the star with joy! Matthew 2
Q- What is this joy?
A- God is love. Love wins.
Q- What is the key to this joy?
A- The key to joy is trusting God. Surrender to His will. It is that simple
Q- What is this joy I gain?
A- The joy of the Lord is my strength. (Neh. 8:10) In Him I delight.
Q- What is the will of God?
A- "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind; and love your neighbor as yourself."
Q- What is grace?
A- Grace is going out of ones way to help someone who does not deserve it and did not earn it.
Q- How far does God go to extend grace to us?
A- We cannot imagine how far Christ, the Creator of all things, went out of His way, assuming finite human flesh, dying a cruel and inhumane death, to extend His grace to us.
Q- What must we do to receive His grace?
A- "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved."
Q- What must we give to God in return for this salvation?
A- Withhold nothing; give Him your all. Submit to His will.
" It is not the teaching of the Scriptures that grace makes us free to do evil.
Rather, it sets us free to do good." A.W. Tozer
Friday, November 22, 2024
My Little Sister
Oh, rain, rain, rain.
The baby said
It's gonna rain!
She cried from her bed.
The lightning flashed
It's gonna rain!
The thunder roared
It's gonna rain!
She shouted from her bed
Her mama raised up her head
Said go to sleep.
Oh, rain, rain, rain, rain.
And the baby said
It's gonna rain.
And mama stood beside the bed
Do that again I'll have to spank.
And the lightning flashed
And the baby said IT'S GONNA *whispered* rain.
And baby said
It's! (Whispered from her bed) gonna rain.
------Eighty-four years ago
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Within Which I Save Short Pieces
She was sitting on the sidewalk, legs spraddled, chin down, obviously wracked by drug abuse and dissipation.
He walked by and in disdain saw the town he grew up in falling into ruin. "I need to get out of this degenerate place."
She walked by, shook her head and thought, "Sad. How can young people do that to themselves.?"
Jesus looked down and saw one of his children, broken and in ruin, desperately in need of help. "I must send one of my servants to minister to her needs."
You approach the frail, dirty girl there on the sidewalk. . .
the winter that never ends
and it's no pants day
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Monday, September 2, 2024
For Labor Day
I would to ashes it reduce
And let the merry breezes blow
My dust to where some flowers grow"
Monday, July 29, 2024
It Isn't Practical
Heide and I were visiting, two nonagenarians discussing some of the enigmas of life, the wonders, the puzzlements, and the age old "why are we here?" sort of things. In the course of the conversation, the subject memory, its miracles, its tricks, and the issue of the loss of it. I remarked that I had read that while the body regenerates many of its cells as they are lost to time or minor trauma, the brain loses vast numbers of cells daily, never to be replaced by new ones. Hence, I suggested, if I were to lose the cells that store my memories of you not only would those cells be lost, but you would be lost to me. Now understand that she and I are not scientists but rather lay persons pondering the wonders of life.
Then, I said, why do the cells of the brain not regenerate? Heide's immediate response was, "Because it isn't practical!"
Thus, we found ourselves in a discussion of practicality, the necessity of one generation moving on to make room for the next, and so on. This portion of the conversation was concluded with her observation that "Nature is nothing if not practical." I told her that I was going to write a piece entitled "It isn't practical." And here we are.
It is easy for me to imagine that "It isn't practical" entered the lexicon of mankind early on in his habitation of the Earth. Say, for example, Cain, a gardener, or dirt farmer, if you will, brought a sacrifice of the bounty he had raised, because, as he might have reasoned, an animal sacrifice was impractical, as he would have had to barter his goods with, say, his brother Abel, a herdsman. And we all know the rest of the story.
Skipping ahead to the dawn of The Enlightenment, we might picture Gutenberg, having "perfected" his press, attempting to sell the notion to his public and said public arguing that "It isn't practical," for there are not enough poor on earth to provide the necessary quantity of rags to feed the press even if we were to dispose of all the Earth's poor.
I need not further the exercise, for any reader may imagine countless examples of progress stymied were the visionaries to cease dreaming and tinkering simply because they were told, "It isn't practical." Nature, we may conclude, is indeed practical. But man's imagination! Ah, the wheels of progress turn only when fueled by the imagination of the human mind.
Friday, July 5, 2024
Logged Another Year
As has become a custom, I guess, since I have been doing it since my 78th birthday, I am using a US Route sign to announce the completion of another trip around the sun during my lifetime. it is a blessing beyond measure that the Lord has granted me this many years here on Earth. I am further blessed in that my health is reasonably good, and I have been able to enjoy the vast majority of my days on this sojourn. Sorrows? Yes, of course, for no life well-lived does not encounter loss and heartbreak. It is the human condition. I once wrote, "Life consists of joys and disappointments. If at the end the ledger shows zero sum, count it as a pretty good life." This may be a bit of an oversimplification since much of life consists of the humdrum, but it is the joys and disappointments that fill our memory banks.
I am greatly blessed to be able still to access those files!